Evelyn to Fred [Calgary]
Mar. 19/17 #1

My Dear One,-

... Do you know dearest, when I see other husbands and wives together, I sometimes think they do not know what real love is. It is a beautiful gift we have received, beautiful and costly to us, and therefore doubly prized. I think we had not reached the heights and sounded the depths of love, had it not been for some such experience as this. But I cannot realize darling, that you are not coming home soon. At times when I do feel it to a certain extent, a terrible numbness comes over me. But this does no good, so I try to think of happier things. Ah, when you are home again, life will indeed be sweet. I hope then we shall never descend to the plane where sharp words or thoughtless acts are common occurrences.

Major Bennett 'phoned at noon that he did not know the arrangement, so I'll not post this until I hear from him again.

Your loving one.
Fred to Evelyn En Route, near Riviere du Loup, Que.
Fri. evening, Mar 23/17

My dearest,

The train is very jiggery but I shall scribble a little. I was called at 3 a.m. and Capt Wray and I took a taxi for the yards and the train arrived about 4.15. I found everyone in good spirits and they reported a good trip. I was surprised to find things so comfortable. There are only 12 serjeants in our car so we have lots of room. It's tourist - and that's better than I expected. Nearly everyone has a lower berth to himself. None of the uppers are used except for storing kits etc. The meals are served in the car and are very good. Besides there are several boxes of apples and oranges to which we have free access. I have had at least a dozen today myself.

... We were off the train once today - at Chaudiere. We walked about town for some time - long enough to get limbered up. We are due to arrive in Halifax tomorrow evening. 3 trains have preceded us and 7 are following. It is reported that 5 transport ships are waiting at Halifax so we shall probably embark at once.

The route we have come must be very pretty in summer. Sometime we'll take it together,n'est-ce-pas? The French people however are absolutely apathetic about the war. From Chaudiere only 3 men have enlisted. Nearly everywhere they stare at us indifferently but tonight, at Riviere du Loup, some boys spat in the faces of 2 or 3 of our men as the train was pulling out. What do you think of that?

It's so hard to write, I'll quit. Perhaps the road will be smoother tomorrow.

Goodnight my darling.

Evelyn to Fred [Calgary]
Mar. 22 & 23/17 #1

My own sweetheart,-

I wonder where you are tonight, my love, as all alone I sit and - no, I don't dream - I work. It does not seem possible that you are going away, someway, it seems just like a dream. I try not to let it seem any other way, for if I get thinking of all that might happen, it's almost unbearable.

I was up at the Coutt's for dinner and didn't get home very early. I was rather tired anyway, and didn't feel much like studying. Last night, they cut off the telephone, not having received payment of my bill, and Mrs. Oaten called me up several times. She thought I was out all evening and all tonight, so she would probably think my excuse about studying was a rather flimsy one.

I didn't mean you to infer that Ruby "gets on my nerves." She doesn't, but the way the work drags on up there does. I don't like to be staying away from home nights, I like to go out for meals, but I like to come home to sleep. Maybe I'm old maidish.

That was a dear picture of you. What a perfect little darling you were. Oh my dear, my dear. How I want you! I shall treasure, oh, you don't know how much, that picture of you. You are here now, my lover. I feel you very near. If only I could put my head on your shoulder, my comforter - for you have always been that. I love you, oh, I do love you, and you know it, don't you? I'm glad it isn't wasted love, love that you, not knowing about it, could not appreciate. I'll say goodnight for the present, dearie. There's not time to write much now, I've been on the jump since this morning - lectures & discussions re exams all morning. ... I'll write more tonight.

With love.
Fred to Evelyn Telegram:
Halifax N.S. March 25. [1917]

Mrs F. S. Albright Care Clarke Carson And Macleod Calgary.


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    A box of old letters, discovered in a basement, turned out to contain an absorbing, first hand account of life in Canada, England and on the battlefields of France during the early part of the 20th century. The correspondence between an exceptional couple spans the time of their early courtship, engagement and marriage and their separation when Fred Albright went overseas in World War 1.


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